About Us

Deeply Rooted In Animal Health And Agriculture.

For generations, we’ve been
committed to quality and nutrition.

Our family, the Bushman’s, have farmed the land, harvested crops and fed animals for generations. Over the last 100 years, we’ve been taught to treat pets the same way we would like to be treated. With top-quality, great tasting food, lots of hugs, and a great deal of respect and positive attention. The well-being of your small pet depends on the quality of hay you feed them; never settle for anything less than the highest quality, and that means settling for nothing other than American Harvest Pet Hay.

We Source Our Hay From The Western U.S. Because Only The Very Best Will Do.

First of all, we learned long ago that the very best hay comes from America; imported hay from other countries does not contain the quality standards on a consistent basis that is best for your small pet. Second, the best hay in the U.S. generally comes from the western United States where temperatures and growing conditions favor premium foraging products. And finally, we don’t let others source for us; we’re there, onsite, collecting the very best of the best products from Timothy Hay to Alfalfa grasses.

We Lead The Industry In Keeping Quality In Every Package.

It’s one thing to source quality hay, but quite another to know how to store it for freshness, package it for nutrition and good taste, and deliver it with care. Our storage and packaging facility is the envy of the industry with advance technologies, a skilled workforce, and automation workflows that provide fast turnarounds for greater freshness, unique blends and flavors and maximum nutrition.